The default code for your genie garage door keypad is 3 5 7.
Genie garage door keypad reprogramming.
After you ve pressed 357 into the keypad slowly push the up down button until the garage door moves.
To reset this keypad open cover half way then press and hold the program and 8 buttons simultaneously while opening the cover completely.
Carriages inner slides.
Garage door opener motor capacitors.
Garage door opener infra red sensors.
This small black button is located behind the light lens at the motor head and is nearest the floppy 6 inch antenna wire that protrudes from the power head.
Press and hold both the prog and 8 keys and open the cover until it latches.
Gently press and release the receiver learn code button on the power head receiver of your genie garage door opener genie motor on the ceiling.
Keep the cover open and enter 3 5 and 7 on the keypad.
The indicator light on the keypad will blink one and go out.
Garage door opener wall button control consoles.
Find the up down button on the keypad located toward the bottom of the device.
Press the prog and 8 buttons simultaneously and hold them down.
Press the default code 3 5 7 or your new code if you have already changed it.
This is a great option to have as an accessory for situations when you are outside of the garage without the remote.
Press the up down button on the keypad slowly until the garage door opener operates.
To reset your genie of fairview intellicode wireless keypad follow these steps open cover half way.
Garage door opener keypad wiring.
Garage door opener limit switches.
Push the up down button 3 times to open the garage door.
The indicator light should blink once alerting you that your wireless keypad is ready to be programmed.
Garage door opener gears couplers brackets.
Genie garage door opener wireless keypad and keypad covers the genie wireless keypad mounts outside your garage door to give you pin code access to your garage.
Open the genie intellicode keypad cover halfway.
Garage door opener circuit boards and sequencers.
Miscellaneous garage door parts.
Reset and reprogram your model gwkic or acsdg intellicode keypad this keypad is black with a slide up cover and the word intellicode printed on the cover.
4 press learn code on the garage door motor the red led on the motor will blink.